Students and Educators

Our 2024 BCMA Scholarship application period has ended.

Applications are due by December 31, 2023 by 5:00 p.m.

The Big Country Manufacturing Alliance (BCMA) is offering $1,000 2024 Spring Scholarships! The scholarship awards may be granted to a student from any of our region’s schools or any student planning to attend one of our region’s colleges.

To apply, complete the attached scholarship application form and submit all required items to [email protected] by 5 p.m. on December 31, 2023. 

2023 Manufacturing Day: Student Tours

BCMA’s 2023 Manufacturing Day Student Tours was quite the success! Manufacturing Day Student Tours allows for middle school and high school students across the Big Country to “peek behind the veil” of the manufacturing world, and experience what a day-in-the-life at some of the Big Country manufacturing companies looks like. 

World of Work (WOW) Youth Expo 2023

What a great time at this year’s WOW event, hosted by Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas! On September 26th, nearly 3000 students from all over West Central Texas visited Manufacturing Alley. Here’s a look at some of the amazing booths BCMA hosted to show students just what goes on at the different facilities.